Prekių nėra
Kainos su mokesčiais
5 4 -1 1 This is Limited Edition Halloween 2024 - Nite Glo - Single HS...
5 4 -1 1 This is Limited Edition Halloween 2024 - Nite Glo - Triple HS...
5 4 -1 1 This is Limited Edition Halloween 2024 - SuperColor disc! The...
3 3 .0 3 This is Paul McBeth disc! As the 7th disc to join Paul...
3 3 .0 3 This is Paul McBeth disc! As the 7th disc to join Paul...
3 3 .0 3 This is Paul McBeth disc! The Luna is a new putter...
10 6 .0 3 This is Paul McBeth disc! Introducing the 3rd disc in Paul...
7 5 .0 2 This is Paul McBeth disc! Introducing Athena, the sixth disc...
12 6 -3 2 This is Paul McBeth disc! Consider this the perfect...
12 5 -1 3 This is Paul McBeth disc! The Zeus is Paul McBeth’s...
11 5 -1 2 This is Paige Pierce disc! The Drive is an exciting addition...
11 5 -1 2 This is Paige Pierce disc! The Drive is an exciting addition...
2 2 -1 2 This is a disc specially designed for Anthony Barela!...
Tašės, kuprinės
Innova GO - prieinamas pasirinikimas naujokams ir žaidėjams, nesine6iojantiems daug diskų. Tašės savybės: Telpa 10 diskgolfo diskų. Vidus su skirtukais. 1 išorinė kišenė raktams, piniginei, žymekliams ir t.t.
Puiki tašytė pradedančiajam ar lengvam pasižaidimui su keletu diskų! Diskai, matomi nuotraukoje, parduodami atskirai.
Nauja Innova kuprinė sukurta visai Jūsų dienos ekskursijai. Kuprinės savybės padės organizuoti daiktus, ir jaustis komfortiškai viso žaidimo metu. Ergonomiškos petnešos, įvairios kišenės ir kišenėlės, erdvus diskų skyrius - puikus pasirinkimas treniruotei ir varžyboms!
Puiki kompaktiška diksgolfo tašė pradedantiesiems ir nesinešiojantiems daug diskų.
The ACE Starter Bag yra puikus pasirinkimas pradedantiesiems, o taip pat labai tinkama ir vaikams. Šioje tašėje telpa apie 6-8 diskai. Mažoji Velcro kišenėlė skirta smulkmenos, o didžiojoje priekinėje tilps didesni daiktai, ar papildomas diskas.
Discmania's largest bag packed with all the features avid disc golfers look for. Fanatic Sky lets you comfortably carry everything you need for a great round. Ample storage, build quality, organization, and comfort make this the best bag under 100€!
NAUJIENA - atnaujinta Discmania kuprinės versija - Fanatic2! Diskgolfo kuprinė visiems - nuo pradedančio iki profesionalo! Pagrindinėje dalyje telpa 18 diskų (draiverių) + net 4 puteriai viršutinėje kišenėje!
Innova Starter Bag - prieinamas pasirinkimas pradedantiesiems, ir žaidėjams, nesinešiojantiems daug diskų. Starter Bag - tai lengva ir kompaktiška "savaitgalio tašė".
Apsaugos jūsų GRIPeq BX tipo kuprinę ir diskus nuo lietaus!
Prodigy Disc Practice Bag V2 - atsparus vandeniui ir plyšimui. Idealus pasirinkimas Jūsų treniruotėms - talpina iki 45 draiverių ar iki 30 puterių!
Widely recognized as premier DG bag. AX5 sports an expansive 22-Disc capacity main compartment, adjustable height 4-Disc Quick Pull Top Pocket, integrated Up-Standing flexible structure plus two high-capacity Expandable Side Pockets. With Dual deep Big Bottle insulated pockets, and...
In 90s inspired Discraft Bag Collection - the GAMER! AX5 sports an expansive 22-Disc capacity main compartment, adjustable height 4-Disc Quick Pull Top Pocket, integrated Up-Standing flexible structure plus two high-capacity Expandable Side Pockets. With Dual deep Big Bottle insulated...
In 90s inspired Discraft Bag Collection - the LUSH! AX5 sports an expansive 22-Disc capacity main compartment, adjustable height 4-Disc Quick Pull Top Pocket, integrated Up-Standing flexible structure plus two high-capacity Expandable Side Pockets. With Dual deep Big Bottle insulated...
In 90s inspired Discraft Bag Collection - the NEON! AX5 sports an expansive 22-Disc capacity main compartment, adjustable height 4-Disc Quick Pull Top Pocket, integrated Up-Standing flexible structure plus two high-capacity Expandable Side Pockets. With Dual deep Big Bottle insulated...
Light, affordable, comfortable. It’s Discmania's new Fanatic Go Backpack! Don’t let the low price fool you - this bag is built to last. The Fanatic Go comes with all the features new players, travelers, and those just looking to keep it lightweight on the course need. Convenient design and multiple color options make the Fanatic Go a great...
The Chris Dickerson Signature Series bag reflects Chris’ love for his roots—growing up in the country and spending time outdoors. The meaning behind his design reminds us always to be our authentic selves; make sure to grab this limited edition bag to show your support for Chris AX5 sports an expansive 22-Disc capacity main...