Discraft ESP Hades Paul McBeth Line


Consider this the perfect understable compliment, and archenemies to the Zeus distance driver. With lots of glide and more controllable fade, this is a distance driver suited to most players looking to go big.

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Choose product attributes:

Image Weight Unit price Buy
Discraft ESP Hades Paul McBeth Line 173-174
22,90 €
Discraft ESP Hades Paul McBeth Line 173-174
22,90 €
Discraft ESP Hades Paul McBeth Line 173-174
22,90 €
Discraft ESP Hades Paul McBeth Line 173-174
22,90 €
Discraft ESP Hades Paul McBeth Line 173-174
22,90 €
Discraft ESP Hades Paul McBeth Line 173-174
22,90 €
Discraft ESP Hades Paul McBeth Line 170-172
22,90 €
Discraft ESP Hades Paul McBeth Line 170-172
22,90 €
Discraft ESP Hades Paul McBeth Line 170-172
22,90 €
Discraft ESP Hades Paul McBeth Line 170-172
22,90 €
Discraft ESP Hades Paul McBeth Line 170-172
22,90 €

Data sheet

Speed 12
Glide 6
Turn -3
Fade 2

More info

Consider this the perfect understable compliment, and archenemies to the Zeus distance driver. With lots of glide and more controllable fade, this is a distance driver suited to most players looking to go big.


ESP is an advanced polymer plastic that is more durable than X Line and grippier than Z Line plastic. New ESP plastic is stiffer and has a touch more grip than traditional ESP material.

This is Paul McBeth Line disc!



Hyzer flipams

Kol mėčiau mažesnį atstumą, tai būdavo mano go to diskas ir su juo mesdavau toliausiai. Kai jėgos padaugėjo, šis diskas išlieka krepšyje, kaip roller diskas arba labai atviroje vietoje, galima sviesti aukštą hyzerį ir turėti beeelekiek atstumo, nes Hades sklendžia beeeleeekiek ilgai. Taip pat labai tinka mesti į kalną, nes diskas pats "užlipa" į jį, nereikalaudamas per daug metimo jėgos.

ESP plastikas malonus rankoje, bet atsidaužo ganėtinai greitai, bei jaučiamos naudojimo žymės(įskilimai, nudilimai ar pan.)

Plastikas: 8/10
Rekomenduočiau tiems, kas neturi labai daug jėgos, bet nori didesnio atstumo. Pvz žmonėms metantiems iki 100m.

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Discraft ESP Hades Paul McBeth Line

Discraft ESP Hades Paul McBeth Line

Consider this the perfect understable compliment, and archenemies to the Zeus distance driver. With lots of glide and more controllable fade, this is a distance driver suited to most players looking to go big.

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