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The Luna is a new putter co-designed from start to finish with Paul...
The Buzzz is Discgolf’s most popular midrange due to its...
Consider this the perfect understable compliment, and archenemies to the...
Discmania Active Soft 3-disc Set is a great entry level product for...
Innova Beginner Set - all you need to start in disc golf. DX Aviar P&A...
The Zone overstable putt and approach disc is the go-to workhorse putter...
The Zeus is Paul McBeth’s first distance driver in his lineup. The...
2 4 .0 1 This is a fundraiser disc of The Lithuanian Disc Golf Championships 2023 SPARTa is an straight / understable putt and approach disc. Great traditional style putter.
3 4 .0 1 This is a fundraiser disc of The Nedožinka 20 Years Anniversary Championships: 20 years of disc golf in the Baltics The ORIGO is a putter that is between the Jokeri and the Sparta by depth has a laser straight flight with awesome glide.
5 4 .0 2 This is a fundraiser disc of The Lithuanian Disc Golf Championships 2023 The Amulet is a new disc approved by Prodiscus on 6/26/23. This is a slightly overstable midrange.
2 4 .0 1 SPARTa is an straight / understable putt and approach disc. Great traditional style putter.
5 3 .0 1 This is a fundraiser disc of The Lithuanian Disc Golf Championships 2023 The Midari is the midrange disc in the Prodiscus line. This stable flyer has a great feel and goes where you want it to go. It is a fairly slow flyer for a midrange, but flies straight, with a sharp end of flight fade.
3 3 1 2 The Jokeri is a popular, highly rated putt and approach disc made by Prodiscus. This is a tall bulky disc with a flat, almost concave tip. The Jokeri is a very popular disc for short putts as well as long drives. The Prodiscus Jokeri is a reliable overstable disc that performs very well in windy conditions.
5 3 .0 1 The Midari is the midrange disc in the Prodiscus line. This stable flyer has a great feel and goes where you want it to go. It is a fairly slow flyer for a midrange, but flies straight, with a sharp end of flight fade.
12 4 -3 4 The Flipperi is an understable control / fairway driver that is very forgiving for new players and that can also function as a dependable roller or anhyzer dics for experienced players.
4 4 -2 0 STARi is understable midrange driver. Good for beginner players (works as straigh flyer at slower arm speed).
3 4 .0 1 The ORIGO is a putter that is between the Jokeri and the Sparta by depth has a laser straight flight with awesome glide.
12 4 .0 4 RAZERi is overstable disctance driver. Prodiscus promises that RAZERi will hold it´s straight line with a reliable fade without compromising the distance.
3 3 1 2 The Jokeri is a popular, highly rated putt and approach disc made by Prodiscus. This is a tall bulky disc with a flat, almost concave tip. The Jokeri is a very popular disc for short putts as well as long drives. The Prodiscus Jokeri is a reliable overstable disc that performs very well in windy conditions.
4 4 -2 0 STARi is understable midrange driver. Good for beginner players (works as straigh flyer at slower arm speed).
3 3 1 2 The Jokeri is a popular, highly rated putt and approach disc made by Prodiscus. This is a tall bulky disc with a flat, almost concave tip. The Jokeri is a very popular disc for short putts as well as long drives. The Prodiscus Jokeri is a reliable overstable disc that performs very well in windy conditions.
3 3 1 2 The JokeriX is a beaded version of the Jokeri. This is a highly versatile disc that offers excellent control and a comfortable grip. It is a reliable overstable disc that performs well in a variety of situations.
3 3 1 2 This is First run disc! The JokeriX is a beaded version of the Jokeri. This is a highly versatile disc that offers excellent control and a comfortable grip. It is a reliable overstable disc that performs well in a variety of situations.
9 4 .0 2 The Prodiscus Talisman is a powerful and dependable fairway driver with an overstable flight that inspires confidence in any player's game. Its name, "Talisman," represents the good luck and protection it brings to those who throw it, and with its exceptional control and reliable fade, it's sure to become a treasured addition to your disc golf bag.